Hi! My name is Elske (pronounced El-skuh) and I’m the digital creator behind “A Table for my Tribe”.

The idea for A Table for One came about one day as I was out dining at one of my favourite restaurants. The waitress asked me, “A table for one, ma’am?” – I said yes, it would just be me. A week or so later, I went out to the same place again, and another waiter asked, “Will it just be you?” Again, I said “Yes, a table for one”. And this continued almost everywhere I went.

Recently, I’ve noticed that I’ve been sharing my table more and more with loved ones – and have thus changed my name to “A Table for my Tribe”.

So, welcome to a table for my tribe – where there is always a seat for one more 🙂

PS. Please contact me first before sending press drops to confirm the correct delivery address.

Let’s connect. Instagram deets below.